Is Your Practice Attracting The Right Families To Support Children With Chiropractic?

Sometimes the answer is so simple. It is often right there in front of you. In fact, you could be walking past it 20 – 30, 100 times per day. So let's have a look at your practice and see how it is attracting the families that you currently see versus the families you prefer to see:

ACTION ITEM: Do this today, and about monthly thereafter; pretend you are new to your practice and new to  Chiropractic. Walk in from the street with fresh eyes and sit in your reception area. What does it say to you? Imagine you are a parent who comes to your practice, Is there anything that shows you that children are adjusted here? 

Let’s get even more specific; is there a certain age group that you want to attract? Do you love working with babies, toddlers, school kids or the most? Each age group has such specific needs, its important to know who you are targeting.




Whoever you choose to focus on, follow your passion. As you do it will be even more obvious to those families. Here are my three tips to attract your preferred families AND make your office more child friendly in the process.

Tip 1: Photos

Nothing says we adjust children here like lots of photos of them in your office. If you don’t already have a digital camera, or tablet maybe its time to look at that for your practice ... and start snapping away. Here are some happy snap ideas;

★ When taking posture photos during your examination, always take a bonus smiling photo too

★ Ask your front office staff to take photos on birthdays, or if the kids are dressed nicely or especially if they are in costume! Celebrate it with them!

★ Take photos of kids adjusting their toys  

★ Capture children playing in your office, or colouring in.

★ Take some extra snaps around Christmas time, holidays or special occasions when your practice is decorated.

For external marketing, it works well to organise a specific photo shoot day. 

NB: You MUST ensure you have a photo release form signed by the parent, if this image is to used in any internal or extenal marketing

Tip 2: Colouring In

Look out for some great colouring in pages or clip art. You can find some online, but be sure it is royalty free. Have a folder full of fresh colouring in pages to have on hand when those families walk in, or better still, If you have the space you may like to create a little colouring in table/corner that is child friendly.

When the children finish their colouring in ask them if you can put it up on the wall! This will make them feel very special! You could even put a star/sticker on it.

Thoughts worth thinking: look for simple designs with thick lines, that will be quick and easy to colour in. Make sure you have lots of colour pencils available AND a pencil sharpener!!! Have fresh images available every few weeks.

Tip 3: Research folder

Parents want the information you have, you just need to create the opportunity to pass it on in various ways. A research folder is a great prop to keep on the chairs in your reception area. It provides you with the opportunity to add, select and promote the areas of chiropractic and ages of children you want to work with. Here are some ideas to include in your research folder:

★Print outs from ASRF are great; click here to see their latest research

★Research article summaries your chiropractic team have created

★Articles you have written for your website, blog etc.

★Tips you like to give clients – i.e. what to do after an adjustment

★Other chiropractic research summaries

Tip 4: Decor and Design

Working with children and families requires an innovative design. A movement away from stagnant ‘look but don’t touch’ and into a world of interaction and exploration. Understanding the relationship of space and design started us on a journey into a whole new level of supporting families. It is here that the journey for designing the Australian Children’s Chiropractic Centre began. Click here to see why everyone's talking about Dr Jacey's innovative practice - Australian Childrens Chiropractic Centre. 

Tip 5 - Paperwork Specific for Children

★ Is your paperwork tailored to the needs of babies, toddlers or school aged children? Or what about the specific questions that are tailored to pregnant mums?

★ Visit our previous blog "Does Your Paperwork Work For You" to see you if are checking boxes with your paperwork, and if it is setting the scene for your practice.

★ At Well Kids, we have done all the hard work for you. Click here to see how the Well Kids Program can work for you, and help you to effortlessly care for children and families in your practice.


Tips from a Well Kids Chiropractor:

We often get asked: What has worked well in our office to internally support paediatric talk, education and referrals?

If working with children is a love of yours, your practice needs to be tailored to suit children and support families. Here are some thoughts to think about when creating the perfect space to support the families under your care:

★ View each child as a future ambassador for their own health, and the health of others – they are tomorrow’s health leaders!

★ Honour the natural energy of children - have a space which allows children to explore and be their beautiful, creative self.

★ Create a buzz about being adjusted! get excited when it's their turn! 

★Celebrate special occasions with them - when they are in fancy dress, make a big deal of this. Remember; It's also a great photo wall oportunity.

TIP: When the photos get old or we have too many, replace them with fresh photos, however we use photo albums so the kids can still find them. They can get very disappointed when they come down!

★ Be up to date with Chiropractic news: laminate the latest articles for the wall and then put a bunch in the research folder as a take-home.

★Purposeful decorations: Chiropractic posters both made and purchased hang in our office reception area. These rotate regularly to keep interest, and a fresh look.

★ If you can't design your whole practice to be child friendly, then start small by creating their own little zone! e.g. a small set of tables and chairs with colouring in, with a playful mat and bucket of toys nearby, or perhaps a reading corner while they wait for their adjustment. Check out our recent blog about 'Choosing The Right Toys For Your Practice'.


So get to it, look at your practice with fresh eyes and start making changes today, to make it a more supportive, nurturing environment for those families you love to see!


Have a great day in practice!