5 Essential Items When Working With Babies in your Practice


Working with babies is one of the most joyful experiences of being a chiropractor.

Learning to work well with little ones takes time, care and understanding. There are a number of items that can play a vital role in ensuring a child feel safe, secure, warm and of course items that make your job easier.

Recognising the unique needs of a baby and their Mother allows you to be prepared every time. Here are some of our primary tips to make your day run smoothly. 

Taking the time to look into a child's eyes and connecting with them only takes a moment. In those few moments youre able to reassure and settle a new child in your practice. Mothers and fathers appreciate the kindness and special patience a chiropractor who works with children needs to possess. Excellent intuition is also important, because however cute and fun as they are, they can be very messy!

Here are my 5 essential, must-haves in your practice when working with babies:

  • Towels: It is absolutely essential to have lots of clean towels in your practice when working with children. I recommend placing one on the table before a baby is put down ready to be checked. Not only is this a more comforting surface than cold leather, it is very handy to catch any dribble or vomit that may occur. I also use them to help with examination and adjusting. They provide an excellent opportunity to turn the baby if you need to rotation them 180 degrees. It is less stressful to them and the parents, if you rotate the child during your examination or adjustment by using the towel, rather than turning the child on the bench directly. Its the extra thoughtful touches like this that make the difference. 
  • Blankets/Wraps: More often than not, a baby will come to their appointment with a nappy bag full or helpful items. A baby blanket or wrap are great to wrap up bub when it comes to checking and adjusting cervicals and cranials. This helps them to feel safe and secure.
  • Appropriate toys and rattles: Having the right toys can help you immensely when working with babies and children in practice. Not only do you need them during your examination to help with tests from ROM to cranial nerves, they can provide excellent distraction when you need it. However the wrong toys can certainly be more of a hindrance. Check out our previous blog on 'Choosing The Right Toys For Your Practice'
  • Organic baby wipes: This is essential when working with bubs in your practice; not only does it make mum feel at ease, it shows you are fully prepared. Baby wipes are not only essential for clean ups but wiping down toys that have made it into little mouths. Its important to wipe down items between appointments. We have baby wipes located at every adjustment table.
  • Baby Change Station: Knowing there is a safe and secure place for those nappy changes is a must for your practice. As part of our welcome to new families, ensure you let them know where the baby change table is and the items provided for them to use eg. nappy disposal bags, spare nappies and baby wipes. 

Starting with the above 5 items will help you start making your practice feel more kid friendly. Simply and practical, its the little touches that are important.

If you have any further tips you would like to share, I invite you to add a comment below. 



Until next time,

Dr Jacey Pryjma

Well Kids Founder